Sophocles Oedipus Rex 1957: Movie Review


Sophocles Oedipus Rex 1957: Movie Review


Write a review of the film, Sophocles Oedipus Rex 1957

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The filmmaker is attempting to convey the power of gods in Greek community. It is clear that Greek theatre used to stage performance that aimed at celebrating their god termed as Dionysus, a deity who survived in the wild and commonly known for his inflammatory revelry. The filmmaker is conveying Dionysus as god who was powerful hence influenced people’s lives in many ways. In addition to this, the filmmaker is attempting to covey the impact of a solemn ritual other than drama illusion in which human feelings and human beings are involved. For instance, Mr. Guthrie’s presents himself as an actor, preface and unmasked with an explanation that the show that that is about to happen is not real but a sacrifice re-enactment.

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