Southwest Airlines


Southwest Airlines


Write a 5-page case study on Southwest Airlines in APA format.

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Over the three decades Southwest Airlines has relied on using passenger friendly, point to point and low cost operation strategy in order to sustain growth and remain profitable. Currently, the organization market capitalization is valued at approximate of $ 16 billion positioning itself as one of the strongest airline in the belligerent airline industry (Inkpen, 2013). Over the past years most airlines have reported record losses forcing some them to file for bankruptcy, yet Southwest has continued to grow and remain profitable. Even though the airline has gained significant share of the market it carriers have also struggled in the depressing market conditions. The airline industry generally has endured reduced consumer demands, expensive labor contracts and soaring energy costs. The airline has continued to grow in these harsh conditions because of its’ no frills business model that focuses on cost control.

Word count: 1494