Staffing Plan for Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project


Staffing Plan for Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project


Some of the people working on the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project have questions about their roles and responsibilities in the upcoming testing portion of the project. Use the personnel and other information provided in the “Running Case” on page 400 of the textbook to create a staffing plan.

Use the attached staffing plan template to identify role requirements, assign staff to specific roles, estimate what you would think the resource loading would be for this project, and identify any potential training requirements that might be needed to support the project.

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The objective of the staffing plan is to guarantee that the Intranet wellness project has enough staffing needs with the right experiences and skills to ensure the project is completed successfully.

Role Requirements

The table below presents a breakdown of the Intranet wellness Project roles and responsibilities required of the different employed staff. The table presents the role of the project, responsibility, the required skills of the staff, the total number of staff required for the role, the start and end of the project. The table gives a presentation of the resources that will be needed to accomplish the project in terms of human resources.

The project manager has the general role of planning and executing the different phases of the project. The project manager uses the project management plan to document the progress, assign duties, and to ensure all the project tasks are executed accordingly.

Word count: 848