Star Wars Episode 5 (The Empire Strikes Back)


Star Wars Episode 5 (The Empire Strikes Back)


Watch Star Wars Episode 5 The Empire Strikes Back (1980). Based on this film, write a 500-1000 word essay in which you will analyze the movie in terms of the religious trends in the 1970s and how Star Wars not only reflected these trends, but also created new trends as well. Explain why the film was so enormously popular in America.

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The film Star Wars is one of the most popular films and known for many reasons including what the content of the film addresses. The Empire Strikes Back in particular is the fifth episode in the sequel of Star Wars and portrays important themes that reveal many things concerning race, gender, and religion among other trends. The sequel has also influenced various changes in the popular culture at large and has been a innovator to other films. The Empire Strikes Back presents many lessons to derive based on the storyline of the film and the portrayals made by the characters.

Word count: 948