



One (1) page, typed, double-spaced DRAFT of Integrative Case Analysis
o Identify the organization (manufacturing, service, government,
import/export, etc)
o Identify human relations theory, communication issues, intercultural
relationships, and ethics as they relate to your organization.
o Explain your role in the organization, if any.

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Starbucks is a multinational coffee store operating globally with more than twenty-two outlets. The company was initiated in 1971, in Seattle, Washington. During this period, the company sold coffee-making machines as well as coffee beans but later changed to their current business where they sell drinks. The company has earned the current corporate image due to its performance in the market where it has managed to kick out other smaller coffee houses. The company has observed success strategies in order to offer customers a community experience. Additionally, the store has a business model that is sensitive to various cultures globally. The proposal studies Starbucks ‘ sustainability as well as its impact in its regions of operations.

Word Count: 300