Strategic Human Resource Management at Hilton Group


Strategic Human Resource Management at Hilton Group


This assignment is designed to encourage you to examine the role of human resource management in helping organizations achieve strategic goals. In particular, you are encouraged to use the different perspectives (e.g., Best Practice Model, Best Fit Model, Resource-based View) to analyse the strategic role of human resource management in the organization you select, identify and discuss the theoretical and/or practical issues and relate these to the wider literature on strategic human resource management.

You need to justify your arguments by using direct evidence related to the specific organization you select. Relevant information on a company can be found on websites, journal articles, research papers, public reports, and so on. To better illustrate your ideas, you can also compare the company with their competitors, and discuss how its SHRM approaches lead to the relative competitive advantages (or disadvantages) in the hospitality industry. The following sections are essential for the report:

  • A brief overview of your theoretical perspective and methods of information collection;
  • An analysis of the background, missions and strategies of the organization(s);
  • A systematic discussion on relationships among strategies, HRM practices and organization performance.

Answer preview

In contemporary business practices, human resource concept is crucial as it involves managing all the human capital resources in a bid to realize organizational success. Most importantly, firms must design their human resource management practices to blend with their mission (Daley, 2012). Therefore, strategic human resource management is crucial to business since it involves attracting, developing, rewarding and retaining workers for the sole purpose of pursuing organizational goals as well as the individual welfare of all employees. Strategic HRM is considered a partner in organizational success since it capitalizes on the talent and opportunity within the HR department to influence other departments in becoming stronger and more effective (Molineux, 2013).

Word count: 2253