Strategic Planning as a Management Tool


Strategic Planning as a Management Tool


Write a literature review that analyzes strategic planning as a management tool.

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Strategic planning overview

A review of the strategic planning shows that it serves as a management tool through which education administrators can focus their energies, resources and foster collaboration among other stakeholders towards a common goal (Schlebusch  & Mokhatle, 2016). Planning tool also allows educational planners to assess situations and make the necessary adjustments in response to changes in the education environment. In theory, the strategic planning process incorporates a clear direction and objections that an organization should pursue (Ololube et al., 2016). However, the implementation of strategic planning involves people and other resources, and the ability to utilize these resources determines the effectiveness and relevance of strategic planning. Strategic planning in educational setting rests with the concept of public administration, meaning that the government sets frameworks through which school administrator should implement particular strategies (Zydowsky, 2016). Therefore, while strategic planning could be well-designed, its effectiveness would depend on institutions and stakeholders mandated with implementation.

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