


Explore the various theories regarding Stress and Stress Management from your textbook and the resources. Using the worksheet table, compare each theory of Stress/Stress Management. The table includes a column that summarizes the theories, another column that mentions the similarities, a column noting the differences, and finally a column giving an example (you may add lines if necessary). Then write a short 3-5 paragraph synopsis of your matrix. Which theory do you think explains stress the best? Submit your matrix and your synopsis. Be sure to use the proper APA format.

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This is also referred to as a transactional model of stress, and it says that human stress is caused by the simple hassles of life, simple things like spilling of coffee to forgetting of car keys that have the possibility of creating tension even if they seem minor. Stress sets in when these simple hassles accumulate and drain a person’s inner resources and cause health problems associated with stress.

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