Student Life at the University


Student Life at the University


Working individually, students develop an online documentary concept proposal for an original online
documentary, factual or socially relevant project concept of their own choice. The assessment
submission takes the form of an online concept journal and should include 3-5 short development blog
posts and a page/post containing the final proposal. The development blog posts can document
progressive research and concept development for the idea as it is developed over 4 weeks. The final
proposal should include a synopsis, outline of research, discussion of intended audience, concepts for
interface design, outline of project structure and evidence of feasibility, both technically and in terms
of original content production. It should include support materials including images or other media
where appropriate.

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A lot of the leading universities in Australia, and other developed and developing countries have articles on life at the campus, in which they narrate what their prospective students can expect, from admission through residence and academics. However, there is little documentation of case scenarios of what happens in the university. Yet, there are millions of young adults that join the universities every season. Many of these students have no clue what happens, and often hae to explore for themselves. Milic (2017) of the Student Voices states, rather rightly, that “University is the best time of your life,” and the documentary will unravel the extent that statement is true. Figure 1 and 2 show photos of students in two different but common settings in a university.

Word count: 2000