Subcultures of Consumption: An Ethnography of the New Bikers


Subcultures of Consumption: An Ethnography of the New Bikers


As an individual, you are responsible for preparing and delivering the following materials for ONE of the seminar articles. You should assume that most of the class will have ‘skimmed’ your article but may NOT have read your article in detail. You should also assume that the class WILL participate in your discussion and activity.
The focus is mainly on the METHOD, but you should also (1) summarize the article in your own words; (2) talk about how/why the method was chosen based on the context and research questions

(3) discuss the method in details;

(4) discuss the findings and analysis and conclusions.
Oral Presentation and Activity and/or Examples.  A 15-20 minute presentation that provides a summary of the research context, method, and findings AND leads a relevant discussion or activity. The presentation should also connect to other readings and activities in the class and should offer a comment/critique. In addition to the summary, discussion questions and a relevant activity or examples should be prepared (for example, you can bring in extra materials – show examples, get people to participate in an activity, discuss the article in relationship to current media use/thinking or transfer the ideas to your own cultural context or another product etc). Ideally, the article summary is 6-8 minutes, followed by a 9-12 minute discussion and/or activity.

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The major influencers of contemporary interpersonal relationships rest with how people or group of consumers choose to spend their time money, not necessarily ascribing to norms based on social class, ethnicity, gender or age. They create their unique identities through consumption, discovering new subcultures of consumptions

Slide count: 12