Successful Business Enterprise Logistics Information System


Successful Business Enterprise Logistics Information System


1. Pick 3 items – e.g. clothes, kindle, TV, computers.
2. Create a table for each items that COMPARES how Amazon and Walmart sells that item.
3. E.g. can compare supply chain flow – how does item get from seller to buyer?
4. E.g. How many different brands of that item is there? (Can do a search and see how may items comes up on their company websites).
5. E.g. How many numbers of this item does each company sell a year? Or something similar (e.g. revenue from product).
6. ANY OTHER factors relevant to e-commerce & logistic IS and compare them between Amazong and Walmart. Do you think you can do this for me? I urgently need this by the 2nd July LATEST.. Can yuo help?

Answer Preview

The changes in the economy from the industrial era to the age of information have come with significant implications in the growth and management of the modern business enterprises. These changes have affected the physical, human and institutional aspects of the current business environment in a number of ways. Professionals working in the logistics area are required to have the skills to manage the flow of information and materials within their business environment. The key areas of operation of enterprise logistics information system are receiving, storing, managing and distributing products (Logistics Information System, 2011). The growth in the supply chain management due to the ever-changing global economic environment brings the need for every organization to improve its flow of information, both internally and externally, in order to remain relevant in today’s competitive business world. The greater use of logistic information systems and electronic commerce tools are working towards achieving better and efficient business processes in the near future. The business logistics information system under the E-commerce environment is relevant and likely to achieve the long-term objectives in the changing age of information is e-logistics. This e-logistics framework can be used as a new service delivery model by business organizations that understand their markets and the impacts their decision making has on their supply chain systems (Cachon & Fisher, 2011, p. 1032).

Word Count: 14, 900