Successful Factors of E-commerce of China’s SMEs


Critical Successful Factors of E-commerce of China’s SMEs


Write a Research Paper on the Critical Successful Factors of E-commerce of China’s SMEs from the Perspective of International Trade

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Electronic commerce has been gaining popularity, as a result of the growing utility of the World Wide Web. The new model of business has gone a long way in boosting business on an international scope. To this end, businesses can utilize the web to conduct business operation such as selling and marketing. This web-supported business paradigm has eliminated the limitations of national or continental borders. Small and medium enterprises have especially found the electronic commerce to be an attractive space to do business, unlimited by size and geographical reach (Chen, 2006).  In china, e-commerce has been growing in the recent pace. However, it may be argued that much more success may be realized with overcoming of some of the pertinent issues facing the industry. As the Chinese economy expands, the number of small and medium enterprises has grown tremendously in the recent past.  According to Ma (2012), there were about 50 million SMEs in China in 2011.  This comprised approximately 98% of all enterprises in China.  The growth of the businesses implies that competition in the local market has become stiffer.

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