Suicide Prevention in Gay Youth


Suicide Prevention in Gay Youth


One of the pivotal goals of consumer health literacy efforts is to design educational materials that attract as well as educate users. In this Assignment, you design a health information document on a topic that is of interest to you.

To prepare:

  • Select a health issue of interest to you.
  • Identify the audience or population that you seek to educate about this issue.
  • Search the Internet to find credible sites containing information about your selected topic.
  • Review the two health literacy websites listed in this week’s Learning Resources. Focus on strategies for presenting information.

To complete:

  • Design an educational handout on the health issue you selected.
    • Include a cover page.
    • Include an introduction that provides:
      • An explanation of your issue and why you selected it
      • A description of the audience you are addressing
    • In the handout itself:
      • Develop your handout in such a way that it attracts the attention of the intended audience.
      • Include a description of the health issue and additional content that will enhance your message (i.e., key terms and definitions, graphics, illustrations, etc.).
      • Recommend four or five sites that provide clear, valuable, and reliable information on the topic.

Answer Preview 

In order to remedy this situation, there is a need for the recognition of the family unit in the discourse of human rights law. There is a need to divorce the state-family relationship in order to allow the family to diversify. As concerns gay youths, the state control of the family unit should exacerbate an already bad situation since the family unit is already gender-biased. Divorcing the family unit from state definition should allow homosexuals to form their own families, as well as allow women to attain individual status in society (Rodgers, 2017). A divorce between the private family and market realm and the public realm should see individual rights being given more space, including gay and lesbian rights. It will allow the state to act against private violations like domestic violence and violence against homosexuals. The claims made by experts are valid because as long as the government continues to define what family is, it will lean to the conservative definitions of family, thus denying women the right to be “equal partners” and gays and lesbians will be denied the right to form a homosexual union.

Word Count: 1500