Summary of Articles on Hiring Attorneys


Summary of Articles on Hiring Attorneys


Write a paper summarizing the article linked above which is about Hiring Attorneys

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The article, ’10 Ways Lawyers Rip Off Clients,’ provides a series of precautions that business can take to avoid being overcharged. In most cases, businesses that face litigation would be willing to spend a colossal amount of money to get out of trouble. However, this article identifies specific areas legal practitioners can use to rip off their clients. Through observing these critical steps, a firm would easily pay proper billing for legal services. For instance, a business must always review invoices to spot any irregular entries and ensure it understands billing rates to avoid being charged excessively. However, the authors have identified loopholes through which dubious legal professionals overcharge businesses. First, some lawyers engage in double-billing whereby they bill two clients for the same hour of work. Therefore, the lawyer ends up being paid double only for a single task they performed.

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