Supply Chain Management at Vodafone New Zealand


Supply Chain Management at Vodafone New Zealand


Identify target firm and person to interview: Identify and briefly describe the local firms background, the nature of their business and the product that you will be examining. Identify and discuss the role of the key informant.

Conduct an industry analysis: Describe the wider industry that the focal firm operates in. Discuss the major market forces and trends that are impacting the focal firm.

Method: Provide a justification for the use of the case study method and the use of ‘face to face’ interviews to gather data. Provide the pros and cons of both and how to ensure rigor in research. Support your justification with appropriate references.

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The supply chain, which entails creating value for the end consumer, forms the basis for availing the right products to the customers in the market. An efficient supply chain contributes to a competitive advantage for the firm.  Primary research was done on Vodafone New Zealand to explore the governance relationships and supply chain in the firm. The respondent, a senior supply chain manager, completed the interview and provided relevant responses to the questions. The findings revealed that supply chain management had been an integral part in the success of the Vodafone New Zealand. Vodafone New Zealand embraces collaborative relationships and has an elaborate strategy for identifying and engaging suppliers. The complexity of the supply chains makes risks and uncertainties inevitable.

Word count: 4947