



Consider how, concretely, we might find a path towards a more sustainable human society.
• Begin with an introduction where you describe the nature or characteristics of sustainability: What is it? How, based on course readings and lectures, do you understand sustainability? (You could include ideas here like planetary boundaries, a particular definition of sustainability, regenerative perspectives, the
relationship to social justice or well-being…). As well, provide a brief overview of the rest of your paper. Make sure your paper includes a clear thesis statement which summarised the essence of your argument (the nature of sustainability + three key changes needed to get there). (Guideline: 175-200 words)

The following three sections could appear in any order:
• Identify and describe one technological innovation/change that might help move us toward a more sustainable society (Why is this change important? How does it contribute to sustainability?). Technological changes could include changes to industrial processes, energy production, transportation systems, agricultural models, or the way we design build environments.
Then, consider one economic, political, psychological, or value-related factor/obstacle that might need to be overcome to implement this change or innovation (Why? How?). (Guideline: 225-275 words)

• Identify and describe one political or economic change that might be necessary to move towards sustainability (Why is this change important? How does it contribute to sustainability?). Possible changes could include carbon trading or taxes, measures to move toward a steady-state economy, specific new
international or national policies (UN, trade agreements, etc.), measures to relocalise economies (bioregionalism), changing economic indicators, changing rules governing corporate behaviour, changes to democratic governance, or initiatives like the Green New Deal (this is not an exhaustive list). Then consider
one technological, psychological, or value-related factor/obstacle that might need to be overcome to implement this change (Why? How?). (Guideline: 225-275 words)

• Identify and describe one key change in values, behaviours, psychology, or worldview that might be necessary to move towards sustainability (Why is it important? How does it contribute to sustainability?). These changes could include moving away from anthropocentrism, domination, patriarchy, or consumerism or shifting values from having more to finding more life satisfaction in community. Then consider one technological, political, or economic factor/obstacle that might need to be overcome to implement this change (Why? How?). (Guideline: 225-275 words)

Conclude your paper in one of two ways (Guideline: 200-250 words):
• Based on your analysis, what might be some of the most effective strategies for moving towards sustainability? (Ex. Individual behaviour changes, education, specific “holding actions,” political advocacy or strategies, technological innovation, specific social movements or forms of pre-figurative/visionary action, new economic initiatives, etc.)

• Based on your analysis, along with a reflection on your own personal interests and talents, one or more concrete ways that you would like to work for sustainability, either in the present or the future. Why do you see this as important and worthwhile? What implications does this have for your own lifestyle, studies, values, practices, and behaviours? (Feel free to use first-person pronouns here.)

Answer preview

Sustainability, simply put, concerns itself with the long-term preservation of environmental quality. It aims at ensuring that future generation benefit from a more sustainable environment. Among the environmental issues that organizations have been grappling with in recent times include toxic chemicals, ocean pollution, forests and wildlife. Others include climate change, energy issues, global warming, going green, and recycling of waste (Cato, 2016). All these issues underline the importance of environmental ethics when shaping organizational activities. Environmental ethics challenges organizations to consider if their actions are morally acceptable in the protection and management of the natural environment.

Word count: 1407