SWOT Analysis (Apple Inc.)


SWOT Analysis (Apple Inc.)


  • Project details available on-line & in your course syllabus.
  • Select a product/brand (or organization).
  • Focus on how this product/brand is marketed.
  • Examine how marketing strategies were deployed and explore the marketing mix actions that were undertaken.
  • Identify and analyze “target market”, how segmentation and targeting processes were done, if possible.
  • Analyze competitive environment.
  • Analyze extensively each element of the 4 Ps for the chosen brand, focusing on strategies deployed.
  • To do well, apply as many of the concepts taught in class and those in your textbook that are related or relevant.

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Brand Image

Apple has a good reputation since its debut and is one of the most trusted brands in the world. In that perspective, Apple has had a loyal line of customers who trust and buy new products when apple release them. Apple has also won several awards as one the top recognized technology companies which have led to even more customers trusting and buying goods from the company.

Support System

Apple offers good customer care services which are very easy to access which one of the things that customers like the most about Apple Inc. Apple’s support system has got retail stores that offer full technical support. Through all the services offered by the support system the customers feel valued and are loyal t the company.

Word Count: 3900