Symbols in Community and Self-Representation


Symbols in Community and Self-Representation


Symbols in Community and Self-Representation: Contributions of Symbols and Language in Developing and Maintaining Relational Community: Begin by defining what symbols are, how they can be literal or metaphoric and can create community through both ways. Next, the role that symbols play in the formation and reconstruction of personal and social identity will be discussed with emphasis on direct experience, relationship with others, and meaning. Next the role of community in maintaining congruence between personal and social self will be discussed with a focus on how community is ever-changing and dynamic, it influences identity and identity influences community. Lastly, OTs should be interested in learning more about symbols in the community. Understanding how occupation shapes identity, and help us understand occupation and its role in community, is essential to our profession (Discussion of how occupational therapy’s increased understanding of your topic can contribute to an understanding of meaning in occupation as it occurs in the context of community. In other words, answer the “so what” question – Why should OT be interested in learning more about your topic? OR Symbols in Community and Self-Representation: Contributions of Symbols and Language in Developing and Maintaining Relational Community)

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A symbol is something that stands for something else, and allows for emotional and experience-based expression of shared meaning (Fazio, 1994). Some scholars consider symbolism as a feature that involves an ability of making certain things represent other things, especially within the human abilities realm whereby people’s expression of emotions using symbols offers humankind a special power to use the environment that no other species enjoys. Some philosophers have made implications that people have a way of not relating to the nature directly, but they rely on symbolic interpretations where symbols are representations of nature or any perceived object (Fazio, 1994).

Word count: 852