System Thinking is Critical in Developing Solutions to Sustainability Challenges


System Thinking is Critical in Developing Solutions to Sustainability Challenges


‘Systems thinking is critical in developing solutions to sustainability challenges.’

To what extent do you agree with this statement, and why? Draw on ONE of the following wicked problems to illustrate your answer:
• China’s ban on Australia’s recycling waste (See more at
• The tourism trap (See more at

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Many wicked problems challenges cut across the typical dimensions such as public health, economy and environment, making them highly complex. Problems such as climate change, poverty, traffic and wastes have developed over the years to become more complex, meaning their solution cannot be established the same as the common simple problems. The major challenge with thinking about wicked problems is that they cannot be addressed using the same level of thinking that culminated in complexity (Williams & Van 2016, p. 7). This necessitates system which often addresses a wider ecosystem as opposed to specific problems themselves (Benn, Edwards & Williams 2014).

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