Taking Sides for Sex Offenders


Taking Sides for Sex Offenders


Discuss the crime problem, related statistics, and argue why the topic is important. Look at the FBI UCR crime stats for national or state trends. You may use criminology theory books and at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles to explain the theory you chose that you believe explains the crime. You will discuss the theory, arguing the major points and the limitations of the theory. Focus on, what do we know about the crime? The criminal? The victims? Go beyond the Vito book. Be sure to include a reference page and cite all sources of information.

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Further, castration would avert the physiological predisposing factors to sex offenses. According to scientific evidence from Girard, one of the leading factors towards sex offenses includes high levels of testosterone, a hormone that creates aggressive behavior in males (Hickey, 2011). This chemical explains why male animals become difficult to handle, and men become aggressive towards other men and women. Sexual offenses can also be categorized as an aggressive acts driven by high levels of testosterone. It is a rational approach to eliminate the root cause of this aggression. Castrating the sex offenders would mean that the possibility of aggressive whims is reduced, create more docile human beings, and other treatment options like counseling would become easy to administer.

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