Target Employers with Research


Target Employers with Research


1. ConsiderWhen making your selection think about the geographic area where you would like to work to be sure this employer has a location in that city/state/region; the industry in which you would like to work; the size of the organization in which you would prefer to work; the type of organization for which you’d like to work, such as privately or publicly held, not-for-profit, or government (local, state, federal); the type of organizational culture in which you think you’d function the best.

2. Identify and Research: Select three to six potential employers/clients that meet the criteria you’ve identified and for which you’d like to work. These organizations could be ones you’d like to work for in the near future or be connected with your dream job. If you now believe the entrepreneur track is appropriate for you, think about clients you’d really like to land. After all, it’s as important to do research on a perspective employer as it is on a perspective client.

3. Research, Analyze, and Record: Use the Target Employers Worksheet to guide you in organizing and documenting your findings for submission. NOTE: The more thorough research you conduct on your potential employer/client, the more audience appeal your e-portfolio can have and the more effective of an interview (new business sales pitch) you can give. Also, this research and analysis will contribute to the development of a successful career strategy because you will better understand those with whom you intend to communicate.

Answer preview

Pure is a public relation company dealing with strategic consultation, content creation, influencer marketing and event communication services. The most tricking feature of
Pure Experiential Communications Agency is the holistic approach to providing exceptional events through strong digital campaign and communication (“Pure Experiential Communications Agency”, 2017).

Pure PR agency has established a reputation in the broader region of China, offering exceptional consulting and public relations services. Based on the strong work ethics, flexibility and speed, identifying with Pure Experiential Communications Agency would be helpful in creating a strong digital portfolio for future career advancements. As a PR enthusiast, I am particularly attracted by the reputation of the agency in content creation, social media influencing and marketing that places the brand at the centre stage.

Word count: 1652