Team-on-Team Presentation Review


Team-on-Team Presentation Review


  1. As a reviewer you will individually review ANOTHER group’s presentation of their project. Fill out this hardcopy template during their presentation and Q&A session.   (The Review team will be expected to lead the Question and Answer).
  2. This individual review will be COLLATED into a team review.  (All individuals will discuss, review and synthesize their individual reviews and as a team you will then combine these to complete= one team review document.
  3. You will reflect on the feedback provided by the Team on Team Review. Use the marking matrix to guide what you need to address in your reflection. This is an individual piece of assessment.

Team-on-Team Review Template (PAWS)

This section is designed to capture your views on the content included in the presentation.

Project Content

What is the specific nature of this project?

How and why has the project been initiated?

What is the project trying to achieve?

What are the main project objectives?  Are they  SMART objectives?  Why/Why not?

Answer preview

Considering the presentation you had in reviewing our start up, the, I hereby reflect on the work. I will be using the DIEP (describe, interpret, evaluate and plan) method of reflection in this text.


The scoring and commentary you made offers numerous insights regarding both the imperative and adjustable areas in our start-up plan. As you identified, our plan had some form of vagueness because it did not have business background in relation to the industry in which the start-up will be operating. I was also able to confirm that our start-up plan did not have explanatory images, which increased the chances for boredom of the presentation. I am honored to note from your commentary that the overall flow of our plan was good, despite some small interruptions in the beginning.

Word count: 858