Teamwork and Synergy


Identify a situation in which you desire greater teamwork and synergy


After reading Covey, identify a situation in which you desire greater teamwork and synergy. What conditions need to exist in order to support synergy?  What can you do to create those conditions?

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n the seven habits of highly effective people by Stephen Covey, the 6th habit is synergy and teamwork. To synergize is for a group to bring together all its efforts to the point where they exceed their total energy as a whole team. There are various situations in life that would require us to have this super human effort brought out, especially in situations that require people to work together for one goal.  As for me, I would need synergy if I am participating in obstacle race, where we are required to team up as a group of three and we have to move from one location to the next as we search for hidden clues.

Word count: 420