Technical Advancements in the Medical Field


Technical Advancements in the Medical Field


Write a peer review Technical Advancements in the Medical Field

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Ciribeli and Miquelito considered psychographic as less tangible and less concrete as other than demographic and geographic variables, as involves targeting a market based on the principles of attitudes, desires, social class, personality, opinions, personality, values, and lifestyle in general. Fundamentally, it will only take a decade for baby boomers to transform American (Rowley, 2012). Rowley argues that no other generation that transforms from one period to another as baby boomers. Having exposure to advanced technologies and welfare practices, baby boomers are certainly going to break the lifespan of 60 years largely witnessed by their predecessors, as the world has seen people at the age of 80 years coming back from disease and actually participating in marathon events. The need to stay full of life and healthy will require sufficient dietary plan (Dychtwald, 2014), which will definitely requires minerals such as calcium and potassium as well as vitamins such as D and B12 to maintain these values, all of which will gained by users of Nutri-Vita Red.

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