Terror and Hate in Cyberspace


Terror and Hate in Cyberspace


Write an argumentative essay on Contemporary Terrorism and Counter-terrorism.

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The increased internet usage in the 21st century has resulted in the emergence of a range of criminal activities conducted over the internet. Common cyber-crimes include identity theft, online frauds, and many others. With the increased presence of terrorism around the world, the internet has become the nexus of two key trends. Firstly, it has resulted in the democratization of communication that is driven by internet users through social media. Secondly, the modern terrorists have realized the power of the internet and have been able to utilize it for their purposes.

Cyber-terrorism enabled by internet and social media has been used by terrorist groups to manufacture and process hate online. An analysis of videos and tweets shows that reveals that social media and internet sites have become vehicles of promoting violence which is a strategy  best captured by social learning theory (Freiburger and Crane 2008).

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