Tesla-A Case Study of Tesla’s Product Distribution and Market Expansion Strategies in the Electric Vehicles Market in China


Tesla-A Case Study of Tesla’s Product Distribution and Market Expansion Strategies in the Electric Vehicles Market in China


Write a proposal for the dissertation.

The aim of the proposed research is to examine the current business strategies for Tesco,
and investigate how they can be modified to help the firm to attract more foreign
investment and achieve higher levels of success. The findings from the proposed
research will form the basis for recommending alterations that are necessary for the firm
to create an attractive environment for investors to inject their money.

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Operating in the international market requires that businesses design and implement strategic approaches, which help in positioning the product in a way that is valuable to the consumers. In so doing, the management should adopt strategies that result in the firm being able to not only make valuable, high quality products, but also avail them to the end consumers within the right time, at the right place, in the right condition, and at the right price (Buccella, 2014). The global automotive industry is highly competitive. The company that survives in the market is the one that understands the market trends, and fulfill specific customer needs (Kamkoum, 2018). Meeting the customer needs and market demand requires that the firm has an efficient product distribution method. Since its inception, Tesla has been working towards building a strong position in the global market. It has over the years penetrated foreign markets, including Canada, Germany, China, the United Kingdom and Australia, among others. The automotive firm is keen on expanding its market share and strengthening its competitiveness in the competitive electric vehicles market.

Word count: 8756