The Aboriginal Constitutional Recognition


The Aboriginal Constitutional Recognition


Purpose The purpose of the essay is to develop critical thinking, research techniques, and writing skills.
Description “What Aboriginal people ask is that the modern world now makes the sacrifices necessary to
give us a real future. To relax its grip on us. To let us breathe, to let us be free of the
determined control exerted on us to make us like you. And you should take that a step further
and recognize us for who we are, and not who you want us to be. Let us be who we are –
Aboriginal people in a modern world – and be proud of us.” Galarrwuy Yunupingu (2017).
Essay question – This statement was made in relation to the recognition of Aboriginal people and
constitutional change. Is Australian society ready or able to consider these changes of
recognition? Consider the available arguments on constitutional recognition and develop an
argument on your position for or against the opinion of Yunupingu for change.
Answer Preview 
Constitution recognition generally is the push to officially recognize the indigenous individuals as the original independent inhabitant of Australia whether by the prelude to the Australian Constitution, as a treaty, or through some other instrument that the government or council should propose. The Australian constitution was written during a time when the country was considered as a no man’s land prior to the  European settlement, as well as a time when  Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal people were deemed ‘a dying race’; hence, not worthy of any form of humanity or citizenship (McCallum & Waller, 2017).
Word Count; 2300