The American Civil War


The American Civil War


What were the underlying causes of the Civil War?

Your essay should follow the traditional five paragraph format:
● Introduction Paragraph
○ Thesis Statement
○ Historical Context
● Body Paragraph #1
○ Topic Sentence (built on first reason given in thesis statement)
○ Evidence to Support Topic Sentence
○ Analysis to Support Topic Sentence
● Body Paragraph #2
● Body Paragraph #3
● Conclusion
○ Restated Thesis

Answer preview

The American civil war, which started in 1861 and came to a conclusion in 1865 is also famously referred to as the “War Between the States” (Dew 2017). The war involved a fight between the northern states and the eleven states from the south which had moved out of the union lasted for four years. After the secession, the eleven states proceeded into forming a union which they termed as the Confederate States of America. The main aim of the eleven states moving out of the United States union and forming their own country was the desire to protect slave trade which they actively involved themselves in (Dew 2017).

Word count: 740