The Application of Ethical Theories in Solving a Nursing Situation

Topic: The Application of Ethical Theories in Solving a Nursing Situation


Write a discussion paper on the Application of Ethical Theories in Solving a Nursing Situation

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The principle of non-maleficence should guide the nurses. They should refrain from causing intentional harm or purposeful avoidance of actions that might bring about harm (Pritchard, 2015). The patient’s health is critical, and her condition is worrying. Continued use of morphine would mean further suffering for six months. The patient bears the brunt of pain by turning every two hours to avoid bed sores; therefore, the nurses should not sit and watch until the period elapses. A decision to terminate the treatment, and eventually, the pain, would be in the best interest of the patient. As much as harm might be unavoidable in some instances, the benefits of the action must outdo the harm.

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