The Ascension of the Black Female voice through the literary works during Reconstruction and the Harlem Renaissance


The Ascension of the Black Female voice through the literary works during Reconstruction and the Harlem Renaissance


Write an essay paper on the Ascension of the Black Female voice through the literary works during Reconstruction and the Harlem Renaissance

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Black literary history has had its fair share of movements in history but the Harlem renaissance remains by far the most endearing of them all. The term evokes a conflicted yet complex aura that individuals rarely agree on its use and meaning. Commentators have used different words only to mean a movement that comprises blacks aimed at expressing themselves against the supremacy of the whites. In the past, the term was referred to as the Negro renaissance. At the center of this conundrum was race, the mid-twentieth century witnessed this spate of events in shocking magnitude. The Harlem renaissance was a product of competing visions, intersecting groups, parallel developments, and intellectual and overlapping social circles (Baker, 2013). Moreover, all these aspirations were bound together by self-definition and self-assertion for the race.

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