Movie Review Essay: The Best Years of Our Lives

Movie Review Essay: The Best Years of Our Lives


This essay must contain an introduction that engages the reader, presents a thesis statement, and adequately describes the subject being reviewed, including any necessary background information.

It must also contain an evaluation of the positive and negative aspects of the subject. Also, remember to use transitions between paragraphs and ideas within paragraphs.

This paper must be presented with APA formatting. Remember that the APA paper template is available in the START HERE section of the course.

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This movie is a great addition to the genres of war film, romance film, and family drama. What makes the film stand out is the fact that it is realistically intimate, superb, and very eloquent (Wyler, 1946). The producers are successful in appealing to the emotions of viewers by showing the struggles and sacrifices that families go through in a bid to find acceptance and satisfaction. The film won seven Oscars, has received nominations for eight academy awards. The awards include Best Picture, Best Editing, Best Actor, Best Screenplay, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Director (Kozloff, 2011).

Word Count: 1000