The Bhopal Gas Tragedy


The Bhopal Gas Tragedy


Industrialization is an important part of how we use resources to support how we live. Industrial accidents often affect people, wildlife, vegetation, air, and water around us. Chemistry is part of the events involved in many of the accidents.
1. Watch a YouTube or other internet source documentary of greater than 15 minutes on an industrial catastrophe that affected the environment (water, air, people, animals, plants, etc.) in an adverse way AFTER 2007. Give the title and full source.
2. Write a 1-1 ½ pages maximum with two references/citations.
3. Include the following in the paper:
4. Brief introduction
5. Body 2-3 paragraphs discussion on the problem, science, environmental impact, and the solution
6. Conclusion – How you felt and why; what could have been done better

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Chemistry has over the years been appreciated for the great positivity it has brought in industrialization. However, there are some adverse effects more so about the environment that it has created over the years. It is essential to take into account the fact that most of the people in the society are very keen on as far environmental issues are concerned. Environmental degradation continues to be a significant issue in different communities and is progressively thought to be the best way for people to work out different challenges in life.

Word count: 609