The Case of Andrew Jackson


The Case of Andrew Jackson


After watching the video on Andrew Jackson, answer the following questions.

  1. What kind of person was Andrew Jackson?
  2. What were some of the highlights of Andrew Jackson’s life?
  3. What sort of policies did he pursue while he was president?
  4. What action did Jackson take during the Nullification Crisis in the 1830s?
  5. What are your overall thoughts on Andrew Jackson?

Answer preview

Andrew Jackson was an ordinary man, a man of the people far from the previous six presidents that had come from the educated and wealthy east. He made himself from rags to riches and considered education irrelevant especially in leadership. Jackson received mass support from the uneducated class in the 1828 elections (“#PatriotPower 20 Tribute: Andrew Jackson, Man of the People!”). As a frontiersman, military hero, and populist, he emancipated the common man and alarmed the economic, social and political elite.

Word count: 403