The case of Dr. Smith : Media Analysis


The case of Dr. Smith : Media Analysis


  • Find a media source which depicts an ethical dilemma for a person working in your chosen profession. Your source may be real or a work of fiction, but you may not make it up yourself.
  • Write a 3-5 page paper that does the following, using the media source you found and the code of ethics of your profession:
    • Describe the ethical dilemma in which the professional is involved.
    • What actions did the professional take?
    • Were those actions within the profession’s code of ethics?
    • What actions could the professional have taken to remain within the profession’s code of ethics?
    • How does the profession respond to ethical misconduct among its membership?
    • Choose any two theories from Chapters 1-8 of your text. For each of the theory, explain how the theory would view the ethical dilemma and actions taken by the professional. Would the theory regard the professional’s actions as moral or immoral?
    • Your paper should cite specific pieces of the code of ethics of your profession in answering these questions.
    • Your essay should include an APA style cover page and references page.

Answer Preview 

The tricky situation of a compromised friend is a case in which working closely with a friend can reveal the best or the worst. As a psychologist it is important to distinguish a minor or time limited deviation from a typical pattern of competent professional practice from a more pervasive problem. Dr. Smith find himself in a tricky situation between his patient and his friend Mr. Biggy. Dr. Smith has worked with his patient for 9months and she presents a history of rejection, abandonment and being misused by persons in power. Then she receives offer to become a sales person for a pharmaceutical company in which Dr. Smith discusses with her the job description as she might experience rejection from doctors, nurses and other office personnel (Ethics Education and Psychology. (2011). She is then assigned to a regional director that Dr. Smith knows personally and along with the initial anxiety of new job, her boss and territory, she reports fear of failure and other related anxiety symptoms. Dr. Smith knows her new boss Mr. Biggy and reassures her that he is a good guy who is friendly, bright and fair. In reality, Mr. Biggy’s wife is a close friend of Dr. Smith and they have shared couples dinner several times.

Word Count: 1200