The Case of Johnson & Johnson


Innovation Report (The case of Johnson and Johnson)


Conduct an in-depth evaluation (using publicly available information) of the company JOHNSON & JOHNSON and prepare an Innovation Report.

Structure and Analysis:
1. The business case for innovation
Provide justification for prioritizing innovation in the organization. Offer the main findings of your organizational diagnosis.
2. Leadership challenges
What are the main leadership challenges facing the organization? What can be done to overcome them? Use theoretical frameworks from the module content to write this section
3. Innovation challenges
What are the main challenges the organization is facing in relation to innovation? What needs to change? Use theoretical frameworks from the module content to write this section.
4. A framework for innovation
What are the organizational priorities in relation to leadership and innovation? Provide your recommendations to address the organizational challenges you identified in sections 2 and 3 above.
5. Next steps and conclusion
Provide practical next steps.

1. Critical ANALYSIS using THEORY is vital. Provide EVIDENCE using references.
2. Identify the conditions under which the particular idea/initiative/strategy has been effective and ineffective (e.g. type of organization, size of organization, country, organizational communication etc.). This will help you make the inference as to whether the idea will work in your organization or not, and also to make recommendations about what should be done to make its implementation effective.
3. Each paragraph and each section needs to concentrate on one key idea. Structure your ideas early on so that there are no overlaps between different sections.
4. Each section needs to be written in text form. Please minimize the use of bullet points to the absolutely necessary.

Answer preview

Johnson & Johnson, famously known as J&J, is one of the global leaders specializing in production of health-related products (Drug-Dangers Inc, 2017). Operating in about 57 countries with approximate of 130,000 people, the company makes more than $67 billion of sales in a year. Acuvue, Band-Aids, and Tylenol are some of the products that greatly determine its success across the world. Despite its success, numerous reports have indicated
that the J&J is highly conservative in embracing change leadership and also does not impose proper strategy to endorse commitment to innovation for its production associates (Drugwatch, 2017 and Useem, 2014). In this paper, an extensive exploration of challenges facing the company leadership and innovation is conducted, and a framework for innovation presented thereafter to offer solutions for recovery for the company.

Word count: 2352