The Categorization-Elaboration model


The Categorization-Elaboration model


Read the paper Pieterse2013.pdf (attached) and in particular the LITERATURE REVIEW of it.

Then write 600 words about:

  1. Discuss the previous studies and theories use in pdf
  2. Explain why these previous studies are important and relevant to the study of Pieterse2013.pdf

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The literature review is significantly detailed, as the authors analyzed research articles, publications, books white papers, conference proceedings, and web sources, all of which are relevant to the topic under consideration. The comprehensive review of literature is also done systematically, grouping the articles into thematic topics. This goes a long way in boosting the analysis of the topic and forming a background understanding of the main concepts underpinning the topic under exploration. For instance, by breaking down the literature review into subtopics, the author manages to describe the specific themes, including the various theories and research conclusions, which provide the basis for the generation of new knowledge through the research work reported in the article.

Word Count: 750