The Change Management Process- A Case of Grill’d Services


The Change Management Process- A Case of Grill’d Services


Write a report paper discussing The Change Management Process- A Case of Grill’d Services

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         Among the few sustainability issues that Grill’d has faced, employees’ exploitation ranks the highest. A restaurant of Grill’d caliber ought to protect its employees and comply with labor regulations, considering that they are crucial for organizational success. The compensation that workers receive in the organization should be relative to their inputs. For instance, the longer working hours an employee is exposed to, the more she/he should be compensated. Accordingly, restaurants should comply with the given standards as enshrined by the legislation (Manuti et al., 2017). Compliance comes in handy as it offers the framework to protect the employees against any form of labour exploitation. In the last couple of years, Grill’d has come under sharp scrutiny for its involvement in exploitative labour practices, especially for young workers and those on internship. Serious questions are being asked about how the restaurant treats its workers. For instance, in 2015, the establishment was embroiled in a wage scandal that hit its income that forced the management to enter into a confidential settlement that would improve the previous pay deal (Ferguson, 2019). Such a scenario was not ideal for Grill’d’s reputation. Additionally, in 2016, the company’s harmful labor practices were exposed when about 5000 workers signed a petition complaining against the firm’s training programs that were considered a form of wage theft. Trainees were paid as little as $14.50 per hour compared to other establishments (Grant-smith and Fieldman, n.d).

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