The Chernobyl Disaster


The Chernobyl Disaster


Industrialization is an important part of how we use resources to support how we live. Industrial accidents often affect people, wildlife, vegetation, air, and water around us. Chemistry is part of the events involved in many of the accidents. This assign will help you learn how to assess environmental mishap and weight the costs and benefits to humanity.

  1. Watch a YouTube or other internet source documentary of greater than 15 minutes on an industrial catastrophe that affected the environment (water, air, people, animals, plants, etc.) in an adverse way AFTER 2007. Give the title and full source. – 2 points (no title page needed)
  2. Write a 1-1 ½ pages maximum with two references/citations. – 2 points
  3. Include the following in the paper:
  4. Brief introduction – 2 points
  5. Body 2-3 paragraphs discussion on the problem, science, environmental impact, and the solution – 15 points
  6. Conclusion – How you felt and why; what could have been done better – 4 points

Answer Preview

This event took place in the night when a safety test which brought in a station blackout occurred hence killing all the safety systems intentionally. The combination of the inherent reactor flaws plus the reactions of the operator had to be based on the test which finally led to some open reaction formats. The water had to be flashed in the form of steam hence creating severe steam destruction that the people around were not expecting. The effects of these happenings were so grievous to the extent that the whole area was not allowed for visitations for a while because it came in with direct adverse impacts on the people. To imagine that all this was just courtesy of a test and an attempt to create nuclear energy is worse because there are people who even died in this position. The area around equally lost its environmental structure because there were so many animals that also killed in the event and had to be quarantined to try and reduce the effects of the accident at that time.


Word Count: 550