The Coca Cola Company


The Coca Cola Company


To this point, you have read 6 chapters within the text covering:

1-Ops & Supply Chain Management

2-Ops & Supply Chain Strategy

3-Process Choice, Manufacturing & Services

4-Business Processes



Choose a company of any size (an organization you personally like and follow) and select a single concept from one of these 6 chapters to create a discussion.  Ensure that you apply the concept as to aid the organization you have selected.  Examples include forms to improve quality within the product, process adjustments or identifying areas which are not yielding desired results.  Please ensure to provide a thought provoking discussion and make recommendations toward improvement either from a qualitative or quantitative perspective. Ensure your response is academic in nature and following the methodology of the concept selected.

Answer preview

Capacity is the capability of a company to be able to offer a quality product within a set period. The Coca Cola Company is one of the best companies that is there in the market. In as much as the company might be seen to offer the best quality and also provide the most to the current market, there is a need to make sure that we have a nice way to be able to increase the capacity of the company (Akoorie et al, Pp. 21-32). This is needed because at the moment the market is growing and hence in a short span, the company might lack the capacity to do so.

Word count: 386