The Coca Cola Company – An Executive Summary


The Coca Cola Company – An Executive Summary


Create the Final Strategic Plan. The final strategic plan contains: 

  • Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary (Word Document – 350 to 700 words)
  • Company Background
  • Mission Statement
  • Vision Statement
  • Value Statement
  • Environmental Scan
  • Internal and External Environmental Analysis
  • Strategic Recommendation
  • Implementation Plan
  • Organizational Change Management Strategies
  • Risk Management Plan
  • Conclusion
  • References

Answer preview

Coca Cola Company is one of the prominent manufacturers of carbonated drinks across the globe. Statistics have disclosed that the company has remained on top of the soft drink industry for decades. In addition to this, Coca Cola Company was able to withstand the effects of the Second World War, and the war was even a business opportunity for the company other than a liability. Just like any other global business organization, it is clear that Coca Cola Company aims at maximizing its profits while maintaining a long-term supportable development with the soft drink industry.

Word count: 619