The Competition and Development Strategies Research on China Internet Payment Service Market


The Competition and Development Strategies Research on China Internet Payment Service Market


Write a proposal on the topic of Competition and Development Strategies Research on China Internet Payment Service Market. The proposal must be something that could realistically be carried out as part of a PGT dissertation project.

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This document explains the proposed study whose aim is to investigate the strategies adopted by Chinese internet payment providers to develop and compete in the market. The proposal is organized in five parts; introduction, literature review, methodology, conclusion and execution plan. The introduction provides the purpose and objective of the study; to determine development and competition strategies. The review of literature section reveals literature gaps that form the basis of the study. The methodology section explains the suggested methodology, including the research design, approach and philosophical assumptions. Lastly, the document provides a plan for different processes to undertake in the completion of the dissertation.

The purpose of the proposed dissertation is to explore the current state of competition and the development of China’s internet payment system. The literature review section explores the history and current state of online payment in China. The research methodology section explores the methods used to assess the current state of the market in the country in the context of development and competition.

Word Count: 2800