The Concept of Environmental Health in relation to Hopi Native American Indian Peoples


The Concept of Environmental Health in relation to Hopi Native American Indian Peoples


Define the concept of environmental health. Give an example in relation to the health of the Hopi Native American Indian peoples.

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The resultant stress from this state of affairs drastically affected the physical health of the Hopis. According to Gohdes (1995), between 1986 and 1988 alone, the death rate from diabetes in the American Indian community was twice that of the mainstream US population. This is because the continued disruption of traditional hunting and agricultural activities within communities such as those of the Hopi saw the increase of the acceptance of a sedentary lifestyle and increased fat consumption (Gohdes, 1995). American Indian tribes like the Hopi also experienced increased rates of Gall Bladder Disease, Diabetes, Obesity, and Hypertension (Story, Evans, Fabsitz, Clay, Rock & Broussard, 1999).

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