The Concept of Flow


The Concept of Flow


What is meant by the concept of “flow” in the management and organisational literature (Csikszentmihalyi, 1977) ? Is there a relationship between achievement-orientation and “flow”? Provide an analysis of the advantages of understanding the concept of flow for professionals in contemporary organisations.

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he concept of Flow, or optimal experience has attracted considerable attention since its foundation from Csíkszentmihályi (1975). The concept signifies a psychological state of mind for an individual who is deeply occupied by an activity with invigorated concentration, full involvement, finest enjoyment and inherent interests. According to Csíkszentmihályi & Hunter (2003), such a person is often positive, motivated, energetic and focused on the task at hand. This essay explores the concept of Flow as it applies in the management and organizational literature; establish the relationship between the concept and the achievement-orientation. The paper also analyses the advantages associated with understanding the concept of Flow by professionals in contemporary organizations.

Word count: 2515