The Conceptual and Theoretical Foundations of Talent Management


The Conceptual and Theoretical Foundations of Talent Management


Write an essay on Conceptual and Theoretical Foundations of Talent Management

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Since McKinsey published the “War for talent” report in 1998, the concept of talent management has been attracting more research and becoming more relevant for organizations. In their report, Chambers et al. (1998) stated that organizations would be competing to attract talented managers as a basis for gaining a competitive edge in the market.  In this regard, talent management describes the process, or the practice of identifying, obtaining and managing talented people, so that their talent benefits the organization (Al Ariss, Cascio & Paauwe, 2014). Talent is defined by Ford, Nancy and Stoyanova (2010) as the people, who are limited in number, that possess the highest quality and capacity to manage and lead their organizations to greater heights.

The people who through their efforts contribute positively to the performance of their organizations both either immediately, or in the long term are referred to as talent.  If an employee is able to help their firm to fulfill aspirations and perform better, then such person is said to be talented (Ford, Nancy & Stoyanova, 2010). Put differently, a talented person has the knowledge and skills, as well as the attributes and attitude that make them able to perform exceptionally and lead their organizations to success.

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