The Conservative Government’s Millennium Dome Project


The Conservative Government’s Millennium Dome Project


1. Outline some of the main challenges associated with the financial and economics aspect of project management. You might choose to focus on technical skills or anything else you find to be a challenge for a project manager when it comes to responsibilities associated with the project economics and finance
2. Recommend a set of solutions for the identified challenges, as well as associated benefits and challenges
3. Provide a competencies achievement report:
Identify your starting and target competencies at the start of this subject (relevant to project economics and finance)
Describe your approach to development and reflect on the outcome
Link your learning lessons and progress with the technical and managerial components of the course
4. Perform self-reflection on your work in this subject, particularly your group participation, literature review, real life situations etc. Is there something that could be improved?
5. Reflect on subject relevance to your development and career plans

Answer preview

The Millennium Dome was a mega structure installed in the Greenwich peninsula, London, and was designed to signify the commemoration of the millennium. During its construction, the project was considered as complex and mega in magnitude following the size and sophistication employed. The Dome was to contain a scientific exhibition and a theme park to represent the millennium experience.  Upon the advent of the millennium, the structure attracted no purpose. The structure remained empty, representing not only a waste of time, but also material and money. The structure also attracted costs of astronomical maintenance which translated to a million British pounds on monthly basis (O’Donnellan, 2016).

Word count: 3116