The Course of the American Civil War


The Course of the American Civil War


  1. What years were the Civil War fought?
  2. How many soldiers fought in the Civil War?

    For the Union-
    For the Confederacy-

  3. How man soldiers died in the Civil War?
  4. Who were the candidates that ran for president in 1860, and what percentage of the vote did they receive?

    Republican Party-
    Northern Democratic Party-
    Southern Democratic Party-
    Constitutional Union Party-

  5. What 11 states seceded from the United States?
  6. What were the 10 bloodiest battles of the Civil War and how many casualties were suffered in each battle?
  7. How is “casualty” defined?
  8. What caused the most casualties during a battle?
  9. How was the army organized-largest to smallest unit (see inverted triangle)?
  10. How many blacks served in the Civil War? How many died during the war?

Answer preview

  1. What years was the civil war fought?

The civil war began on 12th April 1861 and ended on 13th May 1865

  1. How many soldiers fought in the Civil War?

For the Union- 2, 128, 948 soldiers
For the Confederacy- 1, 082, 119 soldiers

Word count: 275