The Debate on Slavery


The Debate on Slavery


Using the primary texts supplied, choose two pro-slavery and two anti-slavery documents and write a 750-word essay that examines how the proponents and opponents of slavery used similar concepts in their arguments.  You should identify the authors’ main point, and examine how they defended their positions. Your paper should conclude by explaining why some contemporaries of slavery may have found certain arguments compelling, while others found them offensive (to conclude effectively, you will need to explain the historical context in which these texts were written, based on what you have read in the Cengage text and learned in class discussion).

Answer preview

The articles focus on the debate over slavery though; they present issue from various perspectives. The authors present the issue from a religious viewpoint, racial orientation and constitutional perspective. Some of the author have expressed their displeasure of slavery and presented evidence to support their viewpoint. On the other hand, some of the have indicted support of slavery and have even claimed that the practice is ordained in heaven. The paper evaluates the authors’ main points and the evidence presented to support the claims, the perception of the contemporary of slavery and the context in which the authors wrote the articles.

Word count: 946