The Definition of Crime – Uniform Crime Report
Discuss the crime problem, related statistics, and argue why the topic is important. Look at the FBI UCR crime stats for national or state trends. You may use criminology theory books and at least 3 peer-reviewed journal articles to explain the theory you chose that you believe explains the crime. You will discuss the theory, arguing the major points and the limitations of the theory. Focus on, what do we know about the crime? The criminal? The victims? Go beyond the Vito book. Be sure to include a reference page and cite all
sources of information.
References you can use for the paper: peer-reviewed journal articles, research websites, books and government websites. Focus on information, organization, and explanation. You will use headings/subheadings in the paper for organization. The paper will be in
APA format (Time New Roman, 12 font).
Answer preview
The Uniform Crime Report does not define the term crime, but provides an elaborate definition of the types of crimes that it investigates. However, in general terms crime refers to the commission of an illegal act, which amounts to the gross violation of the law, where such an act is punishable by law. The Uniform Criminal Code program was founded upon the work of Social Science Research Council and the International Association of Chiefs of Police through the 1920s so as to generate a consistent national set of crime statistics that would be consistent for analysis.
Word count: 1681