The Delivery of a New Android App, That Lets You Know Where To Buy The Freshest Eggs and Direct from The Farmgate, Williams River Valley, NSW


The Delivery of a New Android App, That Lets You Know Where To Buy The Freshest Eggs and Direct from The Farmgate, Williams River Valley, NSW


Write a project paper that explores in details the delivery of a new android app, that lets you know where to buy the freshest eggs and direct from the farmgate by Williams river valley, NSW

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The proposed project involves the design, development and delivery of a new android application, which would enable the users to get information of where they can purchase the best quality eggs direct from the farm. The client wants to give app users access to accurate and reliable information on where they can get fresh eggs. The current practice is that buyers have to move from one shop to another in search of eggs. Sometimes, the buyers do not always get the freshest eggs, as they have to make do with those that have been delivered to the retailers. Many of the times, the eggs have overstayed in the shelves. There have been complaints from customers that the eggs they bought were stale, or rotten. There are also instances where the customers are unable to get the eggs, as they do not know where to find them in the farms in case the retail shops have run out of stock. The client has identified this gap, and wants to fill it by providing the app. The underlying rationale for the app is to offer information about locations in the Williams River Valley where customers can buy the freshest eggs, regardless of the location of the prospective buyers. The app will help the customers to save time and money, as they will be certain where to go to get the best quality of eggs, using the app.

Word Count: 10,700