The Diet Induced Obesity in School Age Children: 6-12 Years of Age


The Diet-Induced Obesity in School-Age Children: 6-12 Years of Age


  1. Abstract (10 points)

A brief synopsis of the proposed research stating concisely the study objectives

and methods to be used.  Approximate length 200-300 words.  To be placed on

the first page directly behind the cover page.

  1. The Research Objective  (30 points)

Introduction–Statement of the Problem:  The problem that the intended research

will address is included here and stated in such a way that its importance is apparent to the reader.  Make sure the problem is not too broad or complex that it cannot be explored in this paper.

Definitions:  Clear, concise statements describing key terms.  Define the context of the study and the dependent and independent variables.  Definitions describe parameters.

Delimitations:  Describe any special limits or requirements for the study or the participants.

Theoretical Rationale:  Research should be based on a theoretical framework (a nursing framework is preferable).  Make the case for using the chosen theory as it applies to the problem or question.

Answer Preview 

Childhood obesity has grown to epidemic levels, meaning that the number of children who are becoming obese has increased to worrying levels. The purpose of this research is to use an experimental study approach to determine whether physical obesity and physical activity interventions help in reducing weight, and thereby preventing obesity among children aged between 6 and 12 years. The study was conducted by getting two schools, where the children aged between 6 and 12 years were included in the study. The data collection tools include the Pre-Diet Modification Class Questionnaire and Post-Diet Modification Class Questionnaire. The data collected involved weight data from the school RN office from Public School #1, Public School #2.  The study sought to test the following hypothesis, using the results: dietary modification classes involving parents and school-based physical activity programs can help in preventing obesity, by contributing to the maintenance of a healthy weight.

Word Count: 3600